For comprehensive study of decapod phylogeny on mitochondrial genome level, we completely sequenced 13 decapods. Together with available 32 decapods from GenBank, the datasets now covered all major decapod taxa. From the sequence aspect, Maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) of nucleotide, genome and amino acid datasets revealed similar topologies at the higher level relationships: Brachyura,Anomala), Thalassinida), Astacidea), Achelata), Stenopodidea), Caridea), Dendrobranchiata). Only Polychelida received two different positions: the basal branch of Reptantia in ML analysis of amino acid data and the sister group of Astacidea in the resting analyses. On the family level, Thalassinida is paraphyletic, which is consistent with some morphological and some recent molecular results (e.g. de Saint Laurent 1973, Tsang et al. 2008), other taxa are monophyletic. These major results confirm some of the traditional morphological views. In the gene arrangements aspect, two notable features in astacid mitogenomes evolution have been observed: a huge inversion happened in Procambarus fallax f. virginalis, Homarus gammarus and one priapulid Priapulus caudatus is supposed to be of convergent nature within the Ecdysozoa; complete loss of protein coding gene nad2 in H. gammarus and partial loss in Enoplometopus occidentalis are supposed to be synapomorphic character for Nephropidae. Additionally, a new gene rearrangement model – “invertion triggered duplication” model is also proposed according to decapod gene rearrangements. Anyhow, the mitogenomes show a good potential to resolve the relationship within Decapoda.
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