The plausibility of that claim went up, in my mind, with the discovery of facultative parthenogensis in spinycheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus). If Marmorkrebs and spinycheek crayfish, two species in different genera, could be parthengenetic, it seemed plausible that there was more reproductive flexibility than we thought in crayfish. And we’ve been caught off guard with other well studied species being facultative parthenogens.
The likelihood of P. clarkii clones has, in my mind, gone back down again with the publication of a new paper by Li and colleagues. In a study looking at the genes of P. clarkii across China, they found no evidence of genetically identical organisms. In fact, they say the exact opposite:
All the P. clarkii populations in China showed relatively high genetic diversity(.)

The claim of parthenogenetic P. clarkii still needs confirmation. The best way would be to have an identified, isolated parent in the lab and DNA genotyping of both parent and offspring.
And I’m still waiting for confirmation of whether there are Marmorkrebs in China!
Li Y, Guo X, Cao X, Deng W, Luo W, Wang W. 2012. Population genetic structure and post-establishment dispersal patterns of the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii in China. PLoS ONE 7(7): e40652. 10.1371/journal.pone.0040652
Yue GH, Wang GL, Zhu BQ, Wang CM, Zhu ZY, Lo LC. 2008. Discovery of four natural clones in a crayfish species Procambarus clarkii. International Journal of Biological Sciences 4(5):279-282.
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