Marmorkrebs makes a brief cameo appearance in a
new paper about that evergreen biological topic, species concepts:
More recently MARTIN et al. (2010), discussing the way parthenogenetic population derives from bisexual species (the concrete case of Cambarus fallax, the so-called Marble crayfish), considered that for such uniparental populations the phylogenetic species concept should apply, because parthenogenesis is an apomorphic trait within a given phylogenetic lineage with bisexual ancestors.
What surprising to me is the species name. They are not the first authors to omit the “forma
virginalis”, but I think they are the first to put Marmorkrebs in the genus “
Cambarus.” This is puzzling since they cite the paper that clearly says Marmorkrebs are “
Mysteries of editing.
Danielopol DL, Tabacaru IG. 2015. The species concept, thematic subject in natural sciences – the scientific approaches of Emil G. Racovitza and Nicolae Botnariuc.
Travaux de L`Institut de Speologie "Emile Racovitza" 54: 3-24.