05 March 2016

Novitsky and Son, 2016

Novitsky RA, Son MO. 2016. The first records of Marmorkrebs [Procambarus fallax (Hagen, 1870) f. virginalis] (Crustacea, Decapoda, Cambaridae) in Ukraine. Ecologica Montenegrina 5: 44-46. http://www.biotaxa.org/em/article/view/19706/19060


Without abstract. Excerpt:

During last decades expansions of three invasive alien decapods (Rhithropanopeus harrisii , Eriocheir sinensis Milne-Edwards, 1853 and Macrobrachium nipponense (De Haan, 1849)) have been reported from Ukrainian inland waters (Son et al. 2013).

In 2015 two localities of a new alien species – Marmorkrebs or marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax (Hagen, 1870) f. virginalis were observed (Fig. 1).

Keywords: None provided.

01 March 2016

Mystery cameo

Marmorkrebs makes a brief cameo appearance in a new paper about that evergreen biological topic, species concepts:

More recently MARTIN et al. (2010), discussing the way parthenogenetic population derives from bisexual species (the concrete case of Cambarus fallax, the so-called Marble crayfish), considered that for such uniparental populations the phylogenetic species concept should apply, because parthenogenesis is an apomorphic trait within a given phylogenetic lineage with bisexual ancestors.

What surprising to me is the species name. They are not the first authors to omit the “forma virginalis”, but I think they are the first to put Marmorkrebs in the genus “Cambarus.” This is puzzling since they cite the paper that clearly says Marmorkrebs are “Procambarus.”

Mysteries of editing.


Danielopol DL, Tabacaru IG. 2015. The species concept, thematic subject in natural sciences – the scientific approaches of Emil G. Racovitza and Nicolae Botnariuc. Travaux de L`Institut de Speologie "Emile Racovitza" 54: 3-24. http://www.speotravaux.iser.ro/15/art01.pdf