Marmokrebs (sic) are very interesting objects of study because of the possibility of parthenogenetic development. Attention was paid to him in the 90s the last century when a German pet shops came as breeding animal. Currently, the wild population of this crayfish exist in Eastern Europe, North America, Madagascar and Japan (Jones et al., 2008; Faulkes, 2010). This species due to the specific way of reproduction, high fecundity, small food selectivity and ease of adaptation to different environmental conditions is treated as a potentially invasive species. It is believed that it could threaten like native populations of aquatic invertebrates and fish (Scholtz et al., 2003).
Research on development of marmokreb (sic) were conducted in laboratory conditions in an aquarium with a capacity of 90 liters. In each breeding aquarium was placed on three females. After laid eggs the females were transferred to a separate tank. Water temperature which kept incubation female was about 22°C and pH 7.90–8.15. In order to observe the successive stages of development were taken from the incubating female three eggs every 12 hours. It was made biometric measurements of embryos and photographed the next stages of development.
It was found that the breeding conditions Procambarus fallax development take about 30 days. Eggs have spherical shape with diameter of 1.5 mm. Identified 10 embryonic stages, which coincide with the observations of Alweys (sic) & Scholtz (2006).
Keywords: None provided.
Note: Contrary to the above, there are no known wild populations of Marmorkrebs in North American or Japan.
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