25 February 2025

Update on Marmorkrebs in Warsaw, Poland

Photograph of Morskie Oko Park in Warsaw
A couple of recent news articles are reporting on the presence of Marmorkrebs in Warsaw. This location was already in my map of Marmorkrebs introductions. A bioblitz located seven individuals in Morskie Oko Park back in 2019.

Fast forward six years to 2025, and the population is estimated at 100,000 crayfish.


The article notes that there are removal efforts, but they can’t drain the pond, so culling them requires catching them by hand or trap. And in typical local media style, they stress the expense.


I do appreciate the safety warning:


 The expert emphasized that rakes do not attack a person if they are not provoked to do so. 

I don’t know of any crayfish that voluntarily attacks people with anything more than a pinch.

External links

Wpuścił raka do stawu w Warszawie. "Doprowadził do niepowstrzymanej ekspansji" (He released a crayfish into a pond in Warsaw. “He led to unstoppable expansion”)


Warszawa zmaga się z inwazją raka marmurkowego. Ekspert ostrzega (Warsaw is struggling with marbled crayfish invasion, expert warns)


Photo by Adrian Grycuk - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 pl, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=101324805

22 February 2025

Everyday sexism

Always nice to stumble across a video mentioning marbled crayfish. I’m kind of used to them showing some other random crayfish species, but this one has a new thing that made me pause.

This video is titled, “This guy copies himself 2,000 times!”

Since marbled crayfish are all female, a better title would be, “This gal copies herself 2,000 times.”

05 February 2025

Eiler and colleagues 2025

Eiler A, Stensrud E, Osman O. 2025. Detection of marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax. protocols.io. https://dx.doi.org/10.17504/protocols.io.q26g78199lwz/v1



Taqman QPCR assay for marbled crayfish Procambarus fallax.


Keywords:  None provided.

Open access.