19 July 2024

Scheers 2023

Logo for CrayfIT conference.
Scheers K. 2023. The illegal trade of marbled crayfish in Belgium: an ongoing risk for further spread. Presentation given to CrayfIT 2023 conference. https://crayfit.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/Crayfit-Book-of-Abstracts.pdf


The marbled crayfish (Procambarus virginalis) is a well-known invasive species. This parthenogenetic species originated from the aquarium trade and has been introduced in many European countries. Because of its highly invasive character this species was included on the list of Invasive Species of Union Concern in 2016 because of its potential as a highly invasive species. This resulted in a total ban of the trade, breeding and keeping of marbled crayfish in the European Union. To ascertain if marbled crayfish are still being traded in Belgium, the major online classified platforms were regularly monitored from 26-04-2022 to 01-08-2023 for the sale of the banned marbled crayfish. The results of this survey show that the marbled crayfish is still commonly being traded online and indicate the high risk of further spread.


Keywords: marbled crayfish • Procambarus virginalis • trade • legislation • enforcement

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