25 August 2021

Fishing for Marmorkrebs

Man in pond with nets and buckets fishing for crayfish.

I missed a story from back in spring about how Marmorkrebs are being commercially fished in Berlin.

German newspaper Die Zeit reports that Marmorkrebs are an addition to an existing crayfishing operation. About a ton of Lousiana red swamp crayfish have been caught every year over the last few years. 

NPR reported on this a couple of years ago, and did not paint a rosy picture of the fishery. Despite jokes about “How can they be a problem if we can eat them?” every time I talk about invasive crayfish, not everyone likes to eat them. Few restaurants are interested, and supply is irregular.

We’ll see.

External links

Erstmals sollen Marmorkrebse ins Netz gehen

For Berlin, invasive crustaceans are a tough catch and a tough sell

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