The pet trade is one of the most important sources of introduction of freshwater non-native decapod crustaceans. Precise and timely identification of potentially hazardous species is necessary for the effective prevention of new introductions. Here, we present a list of species of ornamental freshwater decapod crustaceans pet-traded in Hungary and their risk assessment, including the probability of establishment based on climate matching. The list contains 13 shrimps, eight crayfish, two crabs, and one hermit crab. Three crayfish, Cherax destructor, Procambarus clarkii, P. virginalis, and one crab, Eriocheir sinensis, were classified in the high-risk category. During field sampling, we found three individuals of C. quadricarinatus that were probably released or escaped from aquaria. These are the first records of this species in the wild of Carpathian Basin. We strongly recommend further educating hobbyists about the risks related to the escapes and releases of high-risk taxa, as well as monitoring of the region for their occurrence.
Keywords: Carpathian Basin • crayfish • crab • hermit crab • invasiveness • ornamental animal • redclaw • shrimp
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