22 September 2011

The SciFund Challenge

I’ve been very pleased that non-scientists have been good enough to support Marmorkrebs.org projects in the past with a bit of their time. The contributions of pet owners have been featured in two papers from my lab to date.

In that spirit, I will be participating in the SciFund Challenge! This is an experiment in social networking and crowdfunding. In November and December, participating scientists will try to raise a small amount of money for a research project. This will be conducted in association with Rockethub.

I will have more details as we get closer to the official launch of the project. In the meantime, check out the SciFund blog for more news and explanations for the rationale behind this project.


Faulkes Z. 2010. The spread of the parthenogenetic marbled crayfish, Marmorkrebs (Procambarus sp.), in the North American pet trade. Aquatic Invasions 5(4): 447-450. http://dx.doi.org/10.3391/ai.2010.5.4.16

Jimenez SA, Faulkes Z. 2010. Establishment and care of a laboratory colony of parthenogenetic marbled crayfish, Marmorkrebs. Invertebrate Rearing 1(1): 10-18. http://inverts.info/content/establishment-and-care-laboratory-colony-parthenogenetic-marbled-crayfish-marmorkrebs

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